Creative Malaise

When I graduated from high school, all I wanted to do was write, teach, and preach. Even though I had committed myself to “full-time Christian ministry,” I had not determined that I would be a full-time Christian minister. It didn’t matter how I paid the bills, as long as I was able to write, teach, and preach.

I haven’t been able to do much of that lately. I haven’t been able to preach since March, and my writing has been limited to church newsletter articles. I don’t even get to teach that often, which is frightening, considering that I’m the “adult education minister” of the church.

I think I’m in a creative funk. I have all kinds of ideas, but I just don’t have the gumption even to write them down in a journal, just to log them for future use. To be honest, I think I just need some time to sit back and listen.

I need to listen to what God is telling me through his Word. I need to pay closer attention to what my body is telling me (less caffeine, carbs, and cable). I need to listen for the unspoken messages from my wife and kids, my coworkers, my church family, my friends, and even total strangers.

Enough said for now.