Gotta love Facebook!

Last summer, after helping out with the senior high camp, a bunch of folks convinced me to join MySpace—against my better judgment. I did it. Everyone was thrilled to find me there, but a month later, they were ALL GONE! (Thanks, guys!)

Then they started begging me to join Facebook. I refused. For months I remained defiant… but alone… oh, so alone…

So, I did it. Last week I signed on to Facebook, and I’m glad I did! I’ve found and been found by all kinds of people from high school, college, and around the world. While it points out how lousy a friend I’ve been for the past twenty years, it has been a blast reconnecting with old friends.

It renews my understanding of how important people are and how quickly time flies. It gives me a new sense of urgency to really live out my faith in “Love God, Love people.”