Jesus’ Life Was Joyful

I don’t know where this perception began, but Christians don’t necessarily have a reputation for being happy people. Maybe it’s because too many Christians spend their time condemning everything the world says and does. Maybe it’s because so many Christians focus on the dos and don’ts of the Bible at the expense of the Good News of the freedom we have in Christ.

Regardless of the reasons why we don’t always seem to be happy, joyful people, the simple fact is that we have been given the power to be joyful despite the attacks of the world. We know that Jesus suffered, on our behalf, more than any of us will ever suffer, and yet Jesus still had joy in his life. If we want to be more like Jesus, we need to imitate Jesus’ joy.

We find a great expression of Jesus’ joy in Luke 10. Jesus had sent 72 followers ahead of himself to heal, and to preach the Good News of God’s Kingdom. He had warned that they would face opposition, but when the disciples returned, they were excited about the miracles they performed. Jesus had to warn them, in verse 20, not to be distracted by the miracles but to rejoice in their salvation. Still, it gave Jesus joy to see them perform their mission and revel in God’s power, and so he praised God. Luke 10:21 says, “At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.’”

What brought Jesus joy? His followers accepted his message and took up his mission despite persecution. Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus found joy in that mission. Paul commended the early church when they found joy in taking up that mission. Let us also be imitators of Jesus, his disciples, and the early church and take up his mission, despite persecution, and live joyful lives rejoicing in our own salvation and sharing the Good News of God’s Kingdom.