News Flash: Diet and Exercise Work!

It’s just as I feared. The “health nuts” are right: eating a balanced diet and exercising daily are the best ways to lose weight in a healthy way.

Since I was diagnosed to be diabetic, I have focused on eating better food and less food in general and exercising regularly. In April, we joined the local rec center, and I’ve been exercising for 1 hour, 5 days a week.

Back in August 2007, I was wearing 52-inch jeans, and that was only because I couldn’t find 54s. Tuesday, July 8, I went shopping for some new clothes, and found that I was able to wear 44-inch jeans comfortably! That’s 4 pants sizes or 8 inches, at least.

I hate getting up in the morning, and I miss donuts. But I like the difference.

Who’da thunk it?